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Saturday, July 05, 2008


Just finsihed watching the movie マリと子犬の物語(A tale of Mari and Three puppies). Its really touching, and i cried n cried and still crying...

Its a true story happened in Japan.
Thanks to Edmund for recommending this movie to me. Its really great!

So glad its happy ending. So worrying Mari will die... phew...

If u like animal, u must watch this.
If u hate animal, u must watch too, u will know what animal willing to do for you if u treat them nice. Hope u guys enjoy it.

Btw, i have this movie with me, if u cant find it, i can share it with u. マリと子犬の物語
Mari to Koinu no Monogatari
A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies

Here with the official site of the movie:

And the News
copied frm http://www.godsdirectcontact.org/eng/news/160/an1.htm

The Inspiring Story of Mari and Her Puppies
By the Japan News Group (Originally in Japanese)

Three puppies born on the day of an earthquake

On the fateful morning of October 23, 2004, a dog named Mari gave birth to three puppies in Yamakoshi Village, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. That evening, a severe earthquake struck Niigata and devastated the Village, causing almost all of its homes to collapse, including the one where Mari lived. During the quake the newborn puppies were jolted away from their mother, and since their eyes were still closed, they could not find their way back to her side. Also, because she was bound by a leash, Mari could not reach her babies. She tried repeatedly to pull free from the leash, but to no avail. Then, several tremors occurred and Mari tried even harder to break free until her neck began to bleed. Suddenly, another strong aftershock struck, Mari struggled with all her might, and the collar suddenly came loose. Next she quickly picked up her puppies, moved them to a safe place, and without taking a rest ran toward the ruins that were once her house.

Courageous rescue of grandfather

The grandfather of Mari’s family was home alone that day. He lived on the second floor, but suffered from a neurological disorder that made it impossible for him to stand on his feet or climb the stairs unassisted. After the earthquake, the old man was immobilized as he had been trapped beneath a wardrobe. Aftershocks and the total darkness resulting from a power outage pushed him into desperately thinking that death might be around the corner. Just then, Mari appeared in his room on the second floor and looked at him with encouraging eyes. The grandfather had been slipping into unconsciousness, but when he saw Mari he regained awareness although he was still immobilized. Mari then licked him to give him encouragement and went downstairs several times to check on her pups before quickly returning to the man’s room. She ran back and forth many times even though her paws had been injured by the sharp-edged glass and pieces of porcelain that lay all over the floor. Each trip gave her new wounds, but Mari managed to kindle new hope in the grandfather’s heart, and looking at Mari he thought, “I must live on. I cannot give up,” Finally, he pushed at the wardrobe with all his strength, it gave way and he managed to free himself. Then with Mari's encouragement, the grandfather spent two hours climbing down the stairs—a feat he had previously been unable to accomplish without help. Upon reaching the ground floor, he was happy to find that the three puppies were safe and sound.

A sad parting and further ordeals

After the October 23, 2004 earthquake Yamakoshi Village was in a state of total destruction and isolation as all local roads had been cut off. And with a continuous series of aftershocks increasing the danger of landslides, on October 25 all the villagers were evacuated by helicopter to a nearby accommodation center. Under these circumstances, the grandfather was forced to leave Mari behind for in times of disaster saving human lives is the main concern. He left all of his pet food for his beloved dog, prayed that she and her pups would be safe and took off her collar. Then, with no other options, as he boarded the helicopter to leave behind the one who had saved his life, he said with guilt and sadness, "I’m very sorry, Mari," and felt heart-broken as Mari howled in deep sorrow.

As time passed and her supply of rations ran out, Mari had to search for food in her abandoned village, suffering many ordeals as she tried to protect her little puppies. All the while the grandfather thought of her constantly, and with anxiety over the continuing tremors fell ill and had to be hospitalized. Then two weeks after the evacuation, the villagers were allowed to return to Yamakoshi to see their homes. Among the returnees was the man’s son, who immediately began to search for Mari. Upon finding her, he noticed that she was much thinner, and she hesitated for an instant after hearing her name but then dashed toward him. He held her close in his arms for a long time. Mari had not had enough food for herself, but she fed her babies milk and took care of them as well as she could. In contrast to their skinny mother, the three puppies looked chubby and healthy as they slept sweetly on the porch. The son was delighted to see the little pups growing up in good health.

Before Yamakoshi Village was reconstructed, the villagers remained in temporary housing in a neighboring city. Being in charge of advertising affairs for the village committee, the son was a busy man so he placed Mari and her puppies in the care of another family. When the grandfather was still in the hospital, Mari's caretaker took her to visit him. Thus, after undergoing countless trials, Mari and the old man were finally reunited. Mari was very happy to see the man, who was recuperating and said with quivering lips and tears filling his eyes, "Thank you for saving my life."

Then in April 2005 the grandfather was discharged from the hospital and began living with his son and Mari in an apartment. By that time Mari's three puppies had been adopted by other families and were growing up healthily in their new homes. Today, the grandfather and his family are still living in the apartment but look forward to returning soon to Yamakoshi Village.
Fireworks for Mari

Mari’s touching story, which illustrates the mutual trust and love between humans and animals that helps them through ordeals, has frequently been reported in the news media and has also been adapted as an illustrated storybook — Mari of Yamakoshi Village and Her Three Pups. The book has received a huge response in Japan and serves as a great inspiration for disaster victims. The company that published the volume is contributing part of its sales revenues to the reconstruction and relief funds for areas affected by the October 2004 earthquake, and distributes the book free of charge to children in Yamakoshi Village and its thirteen neighboring cities.

On August 2, 2005, the villagers held a fireworks celebration in their city of refuge just as they do in their home town each year, and this year event was entitled “Fireworks for Mari.” While participating in the festivity they wished that Yamakoshi Village could be recovered as quickly as possible. Amid the dazzling light and smoke of the fireworks, Mari's radiant smile seemed to fill the night sky, bringing hope and encouragement to the spectators.

In mandarin:



2004年10月23日下午5点56分,新潟县中越地区发生大地震。一瞬间,山崩地裂,房屋倒塌……爸爸优一因为上班还没回山古志村,亮太也在学校上 课。地震过后,因为曰本的学校都是按照地震避难所来建造的,所以村子里的人都相继逃到了学校来了。可是等了半天,亮太都没有看到爷爷和妹妹的身影。原来, 他们被压在倒塌的房子下面了。


Another version:
代代在新潟縣山古志村生活的石川家,是由在村辦公室工作的優一(船越英一郎)、兒子亮太(廣田亮平)和妹妹彩(佐佐木麻緒)、還有頑固的祖父優造(宇津井 健)組成的四人家庭。亮太和彩的母親.幸子雖然已經過世了,但是在長岡經營美容院的幸子的妹妹.冴子(松本明子)會偶爾過來,代替母親準備餐點等等事情。

有一天,亮太和彩一起去平時遊玩的空地,與被丟棄在寫著「請領養牠」的紙箱裡的幼犬相遇。不湊巧的是父親最討厭的就是狗。雖然警告亮太不可能在家養狗,但 是彩無法捨棄回家的路上哪都跟著的小狗,「你還這麼小,爸爸跟媽媽就都不在了,好可憐喔…」。小時候母親就過世,聲音長相都不記得的彩讓亮太想到,拉攏爺 爺站在他們這邊,迫使爸爸認同他們飼養那隻小狗。就這樣,小狗被命名為瑪莉,成為石川家新的家人。2004年,瑪莉也長大,並生了三隻小狗。石川家因為多 了新家人非常高興。亮太和彩,瑪莉和小狗們,一起在山間奔跑玩樂。但是,幸福的時間也只有這瞬間。

10月23日(六)下午5點56分。新潟縣中越地震,發生。一瞬間山林崩塌,地面碎烈,眾家塌陷。父親優一因為工作關係暫離山谷志,亮太因為校外教學正在 學校。餘震持續的途中,亮太的學校變成地區避難所,陸陸續續有村人來集合,但是卻沒有彩跟爺爺的身影。在家裡的彩跟爺爺被壓在傾塌的房子裡。

不知道過了多久的時間。抱著彩的優造,做了人生最後的覺悟。但在這時候,逐漸淺薄的意識裡傳來似曾相似的聲音。原來是瑪莉。瑪莉跟幼犬們都很平安的樣子。 把幼犬集中在狗屋的瑪莉,潛入瓦礫堆中,即使遍體麟傷也要到兩人身邊。然後,像要把精神分給他們一般持續舔舐兩人的臉。瑪莉非常的努力,加油的想把兩人從 崩壞的家中救出,但是只憑瑪莉的力量,是沒有辦法為被壓在樑柱下的兩人做什麼。瑪莉一邊照顧著3隻幼犬,又為了幫彩和優造打氣,持續在瓦礫堆中來回穿梭。

山崩地裂道路不通的山古志村,被完全的孤立了。終於在這時,安田二曹(高嶋政伸)率領自衛隊的救援直昇機到來。多虧瑪莉把安田隊員誘導到崩塌的石川家,彩 跟優造也被平安的救出。兩人從瑪莉的身上得到存活希望。「瑪莉他們也一起走對吧?」但是彩的願望並沒有被實現。人命優先救的關係,救援隊的直昇機不能讓瑪 莉他們乘坐。「瑪莉-!」留下彩的呼喊聲,直昇機離開了村落。瑪莉他,一直目送著彩他們乘坐的直昇機離開。

瑪莉跟三隻幼犬被殘留在山古志村。在沒有食物的狀態下,拚命的從各式各樣的危險中守護孩子們的母親瑪莉。另一方面,在長岡的避難處,因為沒救到瑪莉這件事 感到心痛,希望他們能平安的彩和亮太。得知持續天氣不佳的山古志村有暴風靠近,彩和亮太知道瑪莉他們情況危急,決定自己去拯救他們。到底,殘留在山古志村 的瑪莉能夠持續保護著自己的孩子嗎?然後,家族能夠再團員嗎?為了守住無法替代的東西,大家都起身面對巨大的力量……。


以曰本新潟县中越地区为震源,发生了6.8级大地震。该地区的山古志村与外界联系的道路全部震断,成为一个封闭的“小岛”。就在人们为痛失家园而心伤 的时候,听到了这样一则感人的轶事。地震发生当天,一头母犬“玛丽”生下了3头小狗。地震发生后,人们纷纷避难去了,这只母犬独自在废墟中守护着自己的孩 子,16天后终于把孩子们带到了安全的避难所。玛丽这种顽强的生存斗志,给予受灾者们极大的鼓励和勇气,大家都积极投入到重建家园当中。

这部《玛丽和它的小狗们的故事》正是以实际存在的那只“玛丽”为原型拍摄而成的。片中饰演“玛丽”的“特形演员”的是一只叫作“小一”的母柴犬。“父 亲”的扮演者船越英一郎对“小一”的演技赞不绝口:“它(小一)是天才!演技非常好,今年的最佳女主角应该颁给它。”通常,电影中如果有动物参与演出,都 要准备2、3只相同种类的交替拍摄,可是这部片中,“小一”却是从头到尾没有替身的演下来,果然是一只演技非凡的狗!想必“小一”一定能成为本片的最大亮 点。

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